Monday, January 01, 2007
Welcome to the Adoptafarm Advisory Service
This blogsite aims to teach you how to run your own 'adopt-a-sheep' or 'adopt-a-cow' or 'adopt-a-anything you want' appeal. It is based on our experience at "Uamby" in December 2006 when we raised more than $60,000 in 3 weeks, adopting out 1700 sheep at $35 a head, reaching 86% of our target of 2500 sheep adopted. The money was dedicated to feeding our sheep for the months of December, January and February during the long drought of 2004-2007. (See
Once we saw how much support there is for farmers facing drought among non-farming people in Australia and around the world, we committed to teaching other farmers how to do it. We announced on our blogsite that we would provide a step-by-step guide as soon as we were able to get a moment free from sending out adoption certificates. And we published a brief "how to" so some farmers could get started in the meantime. And we contacted our Farmers' Association to offer to teach other farmers how to do what we had done.
This blogsite is step one in delivering on that promise. We hope that providing this detailed 'how to' information will help farmers who are willing to have a go and try something different set up their own adoption programs.
Good luck. God bless.
Once we saw how much support there is for farmers facing drought among non-farming people in Australia and around the world, we committed to teaching other farmers how to do it. We announced on our blogsite that we would provide a step-by-step guide as soon as we were able to get a moment free from sending out adoption certificates. And we published a brief "how to" so some farmers could get started in the meantime. And we contacted our Farmers' Association to offer to teach other farmers how to do what we had done.
This blogsite is step one in delivering on that promise. We hope that providing this detailed 'how to' information will help farmers who are willing to have a go and try something different set up their own adoption programs.
Good luck. God bless.